But for a totally surprising and unbelievable reason.
I could just tell you straight out, but that's no fun. There have to be photos, of course!
OK, first the update on yesterday. I really was Vigilance-Girl, channeling a little bit of Peridot's Resistance-Girl.
It started with my plan to go to Whole Foods. I was going to walk there and go to the gym later. But when I left the house, it very quickly started raining. Ick.
That could have derailed me right away, but I said "No, turn around, go back to the gym, and work out now, since it's raining."
So I did it. It sucked. I hated that elliptical machine. But I could tell I'd gained some weight over Thanksgiving; I felt heavy and flat.
After the gym, I said "To heck with the rain. It's just a drizzle." And I walked the 1.2 miles over to Whole Foods anyway.
On the way through Central Park I decided to alter my route. Instead of walking up the long, slow incline, I decided to hit the stairs that go up the back of Harlem Hill. There's a really cool old gunnery house up there built before the Revolutionary War. It's awesome.
Here are the steps. And guess what? I didn't walk up them. I ran up them!
They are not steep. But there's about seven of them, and I ran all the way up, even the flat parts in between. At the top were two homeless guys hanging out. They looked like I scared them -- which I probably did!
That was yesterday. So today I walked to work, as usual. But I tried to go really fast, like South Beach Steve does, and not get all dreamy and slow when my mind wanders. I was being Vigilance-Girl again, making sure I was really moving and not just coasting.
Work was ... well, whatever. But I got to the gym for some quick weight lifting.
But I had to stay late at work, and that was annoying. It made it too late for me to get to the gym for a night work out.
I decided to walk home instead. It was GORGEOUS!
The park was lovely, dark and deep.
The moon was incredibly bright tonight -- and so full. I tried to take a picture, but it didn't come out that great. Still, here 'tis.
It was dark and crisp as I walked along. Except for the part where I passed this:
These are the lights near Tavern on the Green, a fabu restaurant on the western edge of the park.
Then, as I passed the beautiful Xmas lights, and I realized it was dark and nobody was really around me, and I was coming up on the start of the bridle path that's dirt and not pavement...well, it just struck me that maybe I could start to
jog a little bit.
A jog. I used to do it all the time.
I had on a bulky jacket and a backpack. But I figured, what the heck...I'll give it a shot.
So I started.
And it wasn't that bad. Even though I was going slightly uphill all the time, I could keep jogging.
I kept jogging. I passed the footbridge I had originally pegged as my goal.
Still felt good, so I still kept jogging.
Then I got up the definitive hill before the reservoir. I had to run past some people then. I felt slightly embarrassed, then said "To heck with it -- they aren't even paying any attention." I did speed up a little bit though -- my ego demanded it.
Once I got to the reservoir, I kinda thought, "Well, this is the bottom of the reservoir. I could keep going 'til I reach the top of it." That wasn't too hard. And from there, it was only another 1/2 mile or so to the end of the bridle path, and near the edge of the park where I rejoin the paved road.
I still can't actually believe it, but I jogged the whole way. THE WHOLE WAY!
I'm not really sure, but I think it was around two miles -- maybe a little less.
My knees are going to be barking tomorrow, I'm sure. But wow! I can't believe I did it.
By the way, I did use my Vigilance-Girl cape at work today. When I walked by the snack table someone had put out Reese's peanut butter cups. Oh lordy...those are bad.
But I grabbed my imaginary cape and swirled it around my head, and just kept going on.
Silly, but effective!