A couple of random items today.
Yesterday while biking to work I very nearly impaled myself on the back of a car because I was so busy staring at my new odometer and trying to figure out why I couldn't get it to reset to zero.
I looked up at just the right moment and was able to lean just far enough to the right to slide by the parked car in front of me (double-parked, I should say).
And luckily nothing was coming behind me as I abruptly moved into another lane.
But I didn't move fast enough to avoid a sharp smack on my left knee as I tried to get out of the car's way. Ouch. That's the bad knee.
I watched the Biggest Loser last night. God, they've gotten really militant, haven't they?
I was shocked by the challenge that had all the contestants trying to work together to lose 150lbs in a week.
They had them on 1,200 calories a day. Women were to hit a "burn" of 6,000 calories a day, and men 8,000.
That, to me, sounds like hell. And quite unsustainable. But that's just me! I lurves me some good food and have a hard time dropping below 1500 cals a day without feeling like I'm going to pass out. Probably mental, I know.
But it reminds me of a t-shirt an uncle of mine used to wear: "Hard work never killed anyone. But I'm not going to risk it."
1200 cals a day probably wouldn't kill me either. But I'm not going to risk it -- at least, not at this weight. Some of those folks -- most of them -- are 400+. It can't be good to drop them down to 1,200 cals a day. There's gonna be a bounce back.
I truly have a love/hate relationship with this show. Sometimes I have to turn it off because it's so cheesy/ridiculous/over-the-top. And then I have to turn it back on to see what they are doing in the gym.
Maybe I'm secretly wishing for my own personal trainer? Hmmmm. Something to chew on.
Tomorrow Will Be Thirteen Years
3 years ago
I still haven't seen BL. I don't really get into TV much, so it hasn't been high on my list, but lately everyone is talking about it.
ReplyDeleteI hope the knee isn't too sore.